Transforming Digital Learning: Let's Talk Science's Strategic Cloud Migration

Let's Talk Science Cloud Migration


Let's Talk Science, a leader in STEM education for K-12, needed to modernize their infrastructure to enhance content delivery and scalability. Key challenges included:

  • Limited Scalability: Physical servers couldn't support their growing user base.
  • Content Delivery Bottlenecks: Inefficient resource roll-out impacted responsiveness.
  • High Operational Costs: Managing physical servers was costly and time-consuming.
  • Data Security Risks: Physical servers exposed vulnerabilities to sensitive educational data.
  • Competitive Pressure: Falling behind as competitors adopted cloud technologies.
  • Compliance: Needed to meet stringent data protection standards.


We developed a tailored cloud strategy leveraging AWS to address their needs, focusing on:

  • Thorough Assessment: Analyzing existing infrastructure to pinpoint key risks.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Understanding specific needs through detailed discussions.
  • Cloud Strategy Development: Designing a solution using AWS services optimized for content delivery.
  • Migration Planning: Detailed roadmap to minimize disruption during cloud transition.
  • Compliance Mapping: Ensuring the solution met educational data protection standards.
  • Knowledge Transfer: Training their team on cloud management and best practices.


Our comprehensive implementation delivered a scalable, secure, and efficient cloud infrastructure:

  • Application Containerization: Dockerized .NET applications, deployed on AWS Fargate.
  • Serverless Computing: Used AWS Fargate for automatic scaling, reducing server management needs.
  • Content Storage and Delivery: Amazon S3 for storage; CloudFront for fast, reliable content delivery.
  • Database Migration: Moved to Amazon RDS, enhancing performance and scalability.
  • Infrastructure as Code: Implemented using AWS CloudFormation for consistent and simplified updates.
  • Automated CI/CD Pipeline: Enabled faster, reliable releases of educational content.
  • Security Enhancements: Data encryption, fine-grained access controls, and AWS WAF to protect web apps.
  • Monitoring and Analytics: CloudWatch and analytics tools provided insights into user engagement.
  • Disaster Recovery: Robust strategy to ensure business continuity.


The cloud migration transformed Let's Talk Science's capabilities:

  • Enhanced Scalability

    Automatically scales to meet growing demand, supporting educators and students across Canada.

  • Improved Content Delivery

    Faster, more reliable content delivery with CloudFront, enhancing the user experience.

  • Cost Optimization

    Significant cost savings achieved through a serverless architecture and efficient resource utilization.

  • Enhanced Security

    Strengthened data protection with AWS best practices and tools, ensuring compliance with regulations.

  • Future-Ready Platform

    The scalable, cloud-native infrastructure supports continued innovation and growth in EdTech.

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